Pallister Lays Groundwork for Privatization of Manitoba Hydro
WINNIPEG, MB - Yesterday’s PC platform announcement revealed Brian Pallister’s plans to order 15% more cuts to Manitoba Hydro. These cuts put public safety at risk, jeopardize the work of Hydro and lay the groundwork for the eventual privatization of the Crown Corporation. As Manitobans know, you cannot trust Pallister’s PCs when it comes to privatization of Crown Corporations.
In May 2019 Manitoba Hydro stated, "We believe that further staff reductions would significantly increase the risk of public and employee safety, of system reliability, and as well as our ability to provide reasonable levels of service to our customers” (Winnipeg Free Press, May 1/19).
This new attack on Manitoba Hydro is one more step in Pallister’s plans to undermine and ultimately break apart and sell off our most important Crown Corporation. His actions are putting access to affordable, clean electricity at risk while hurting our relationships with export partners.
The entire Board of Manitoba Hydro resigned in protest of Pallister’s refusal to have a meeting in March 2018 - after Pallister had taken a number of steps to weaken Hydro including firing 900 employees. Yesterday’s PC platform announcement also called for selling off $200 million in public properties.
The Manitoba NDP stands against all forms of privatization of Manitoba Hydro – and we call on Pallister to back off his privatization agenda.